Hasrizal Abdul Jamil
Alhamdulillah, solatan wa salaman ’ala Rasulillah. Amma ba’du.
In tracking what people think and say about schooling and education, most of the conversation is
about means, rarely about ends. It is something I always remember from what Neil Postman stated
in his book, The End of Education. Exams, standardization, technology, grades, ranking, what to
teach, what to learn, and so on. Some of these questions are interesting and some are not. But what
they have in common is that they evade the issue of what schools are for. It is as if we are a nation
of technicians, consumed by our expertise in how something should be done, afraid or incapable of
thinking about WHY.
WHY, is not a question to be answered by what our qualification and field of expertise. It is a
question of a worldview, how we perceive ourselves, the creations around us and life as a whole.
Khalifah Model School (Secondary) is not just another school. It was the school that convinced me to become a full-time educator, believing that education, is the road ought to choose for islah.
Adam ‘alayhi al-Salam was chosen to bear the responsibility of being the Khalifah of Allah, despite the risk of mischief and bloodshed, because Adam is different but unique. He is the thinking being, the learning being, so as his descendance. The ability to think, creating meanings, constructing knowledge, expanding understanding and application are what made Adam, the Khalifah.
The true meaning of education, has to remove the confrontation between the ‘natural’ child and
‘unnatural’ schooling, making both school and home as the natural environment of learning for our young Khalifah, synergizing parents and teachers to support learning in school as the holistic and universal model of learning. Khalifah Method expands the application from not only shaping excellent character as emphasized at primary school level, but also integrating subjects and fields of knowledge, at the epistemology level in the most organic way, to achieve the oneness of both Syariatullah and Sunnatullah in the essence of Tawheed.
Khalifah Model School (Secondary) is modelling an education system, beyond schooling. To Allah we place our faith, in upholding teaching and guiding our young Khalifah, as His trust. Siru ‘ala barakatillah.

Be Among Our Students.
What Parents and Alumni Say
KMS is different from another school as the curriculum and the system build students’s character not only IQ and academics. I would always recommend KMS as KMS not only teach and build a good character in students but they also provide training (and I think that is so important and beneficial) to parents.
KMS provides a high-quality education in a friendly and family-type environment, successfully preparing students for their future education, growth and development using Khalifah Method.
The school allows our children develop not just knowledge academically but also skill sets that are critical and required further in life such as faith, good character, kindness, respect and team work. The whole environment where this is achieved is
important i.e. the classes are small, and the education is personal, hence the teachers know their students and can tailor their efforts to individual student needs.
Riri Yanti & AshadiParents