Khalifah Model School (Secondary) is an integrated Islamic school that integrates Revealed Knowledge and Scientific Knowledge i.e. Syariatullah and Sunnatullah. We adopt the Cambridge system whereby International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is the school exit point.
To shape students towards excellence by helping them develop their taqwa (so they are inclined to choose good and refrain from wrong), and motivation to learn.
Shared Values
- Taqwa
- Perfect self, society and physical world
- Enjoin right, Forbid Wrong
- Beautiful Words and Wisdom
At KMSS, we want students to excel not just academically but also as khalifahs of Allah. |
To achieve this goal, the school organizes various programs and modules that inculcate the spirit of volunteerism, philanthropy, and environmental awareness as well as help the students develop important life skills like sewing, cooking and communication.

The school as a whole (institution, curriculum and pedagogy) is run in accordance with the Khalifah Method which was founded by Prof Muhammad al’Mahdi Jenkins. It consists of three pillars:
- Continual reminders about our role as Khalifah Allah.
- Acknowledgement and encouragement of positive behaviours through external rewards as well as through inner speech (self-reward).
- Addressing misbehaviours with kind discipline.

Be Among Our Students.
What Parents and Alumni Say